Sunday, May 18, 2008

when life calls to be lived

My friend Clar has a huge family; one that extends to second cousins during CNY reunions. Recently she broke the news to us that she had a family member, a second uncle in China during the earthquake, and has not heard from him ever since. Clar's been distraught for the past few days, she stayed home when we took a roadtrip to 1U to watch Iron Man (God forgive us for doing so during the exam period!) and spent a lot of time with her er yi (apparently that's second aunt - her missing relative's wife). Clar has always been levelheaded - her calm, collected nature is an inspiration to me. 

Seeing her in such a state devastated all of us. 

As a good friend, I did all I can to help her family - every day for the last week, I popped by after group studies to hand her a photocopy of our notes so she doesn't miss out; I do checks on her and call her sis up to check if things are okay with the family. Her mom's so kind to still bake brownies for Reza and I when we drop by to visit - bless her soul, that lady.

Something about how closely-knitted their family is, makes me sit back in my chair and sigh with envy. My family hasn't always been close - sure I have my parents still together, my cousins visit once in awhile - but if an uncle or an aunt goes missing in a cyclone or a typhoon or landslide, there will only be a moment's worth of worry, then everything else is shrugged off. I envy Clar's family for being so tight with one another, and all at the same time I thanked God that her uncle's family has each other to take care of. 

So I prayed. I asked God to bless her family. I asked God to, if Uncle Richard has gone Home in China, that God will bestow upon Clar's family peace of mind, and for His hand to be prominent at their side in their time of grieving. 

Just yesterday, Clar called. I don't know what she was mumbling, but I knew she was in tears. She was choking. She was breathing heavily, and she was trying to say something that I couldn't make out of. Hearing her cry was heart skipping.

I told her to calm herself down, and waited for her to slowly say these to me:

"Uncle Richard called. He is alright. He is in Beijing, and will be back in Malaysia by Friday."

That moment, I couldn't stop thanking Heavens for listening to my prayers. 


The incident with Clar's uncle and Clar's family has moved me quite a lot. My mind's been preoccupied with everything about life. I read the papers. I see photos of family hugging their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts after coming back from China. I read about relief, and I read about people raising funds and doing something for the victims.

I experienced a paradigmical mindset shift. 

I love politics. I love following the drama in our parliamentary, I love reading on scandals and finding out that so-and-so aren't so clean after all, and I love hearing stories from behind the scenes. I believe in defending our politicians who are generally regarded as incompetent due to red tapes, other influential figures or any other circumstances... I love politics. It's in my blood.

But today, as my mind falls upon the victims of China, Myanmar and how I felt about the Tsunami victims back then, I am reminded of something more important.

That life is short. Too short, to waste time screaming at each other's heads, tearing at each other's necks off. Too short to keep enemies, and throw people behind bars for selfish reasons. Too short to spend all of it backlashing at someone because he/she is of a different skin colour, and too short to spend time deciphering what innocent remarks mean. 

Because if we don't learn how to live life, then life is not worth living after all.

A tribute to all China victims and families who've lost their dear ones. 


Letting the time pass me by said...

Yes agree with you.. life can sometimes be too short and it will shorter if we do not treasure it wisely and live it up ...

But Starscreamer is not a very friendly character and he even always have the internal fight with his fellow the Deceptagon especially Megatron...

phillix-starscreamer said...

lol i know. i love the name starscream though. as a kid i've always liked to go against the flow - my classmates liked megatron, bumble bee.. i rooted for starscream because i wanted to go against the flow. i guess that stuck ever since.

zewt said...

well written. I guess we always need to have some incidents in our lives to remind us of the true meaning of life. As Christians, let us all not swayed too much to the world and remind ourselves that our time here is just preparation for greater things.

so politics is your interest eh? i have decided to not touch politics for a while now.

plenty of those around and i am sure you are having a great time in blogland.

Maverick SM said...

This article really strikes me and make me ponder about life too. It's true; life is too short and we got to get living to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

a few "gentlemen" r just too stuck up and likes to be rebellious. starscreamer starscreamer "oh well". wonder y som "gentlemen" blindly supports the current "failed party" to show his rebelliousness or so called "go against the flow" to the "new party".

phillix-starscreamer said...

gee, anonymous. i appreciate your concern for my 'blindness', but there's no need for such sarcasm and such cynicism. and what's with hiding the identity? who's the one who needs reality check now?

if you disagree with something i said, voice it out. prove me wrong. we can have a constructive discussion here. but because you chose to hide behind veils and attack me like that, you're nothing short but a coward. and words from a coward don't hold.