Wednesday, April 30, 2008

phillix, tech and truckloads of frustration

life has its frustrations. i wasn't connected to the internet so i thought i'd just blog my thoughts out (on the live telecast of the parliamentary - did any of you guys catch it this morning on RTM1? i also blogged on khir toyo and samy vellu)  and JUST when i thought i was done, my browser crashed and shut itself down. safari has a way of driving me nuts!!!!

now that i'm back on, i've lost all the motivation and drive. so yes, my second post is on how frustrated i am. it's so ironic how dependent we are on technology and how dependent it is on us.

Reza was right. Google is the new man's best friend. we were at a mamak session earlier when we talked about lisa's new bf and how they met online - and how the revolutionized dating method is facebook dependent. it's disturbing, but it's true. tech rely on us to expand (they need to be monetized) and we rely on tech to literally breathe, for some. 

btw, i've been scouting blogs lately..and i've been reading comments too. i MUST say that our people are generally pots calling kettle black. one thing i notice is that the same people who bash our government (esp pak lah) for being racists are throwing out racist comments themselves. there's one post ( i cant rmbr for the life of me ) that each and every comment had 'malay pigs'... i even had one post commentor telling me to 'jaga tepi kain, jangan masuk campur hal orang melayu, babi india!'. nothing ticks me off more than racialism. what they dont realize is what happens to UMNO affects the entire Malaysia, not just malays..likewise, MCA, MIC.. but whether or not we, collectively as Malaysians, will be affected by these racially segregated political parties is a diff issue altogether. what's with all the race hatred in blog comments nowadays?  and they still dare to blame pak lah for being 'racist'? what's all these? piff!!!

alrite guys, i shall zoom off now. massive work tomorrow. it's gna be labour's day but i ain't no labourer, so i ain't got no holiday. it's exam period, people! i need buck up! sigh.

strivin for excellence
-phill to the ix

note to self: khir toyo and samy vellu issue? it's driving me up the wall! what's with those people who've stepped out of the political scene coming back to haunt us with their derogatory remarks?! not enough drama, want to add spice and sugar issit! 


Anonymous said...

lol dude, u really blogged about it yea? mamak sessions are therapeutic. we should hold our study groups there. even mamaks have free wireless these days - how bout that lol.

but hey racist people are everywhere. can't stop them all, can you?

but with such passion you have...go and establish your career as a politician..and bring true change to the country! XD

Maverick SM said...

Sorry to know that the Safari crash on you. Well, it also had happen to me once too often.

There's one thing I've learnt; before I click posting, I'll copy and past my write-up on MS Word doc so that in the event the posting failed, I can repost by CnP.

This is risk mgmt and ease the frustrations. Try lah!

phillix-starscreamer said...

that's a brilliant idea mave i will try it the next time! how silly of me to not think about it. well i guess every blogger has his first, eh.

phillix-starscreamer said...

and reza woi no la i'm not politician material. dont think i can take the stress after watching the parliament on tv lol